
Crushed Asphalt Millings

Recycled asphalt millings is an excellent alternative for driveways, parking lots & private roads.

Quality Crushed Asphalt

Crushed Asphalt (pulverizing) saves both time and money. During a tear-out, the asphalt is haul to the nearest asphalt plant where it will be ground up and reused in the manufacture of new asphalt. However, some degree of gravel or sub-base is inadvertently hauled away with it requiring additional sub-base to be brought in and thereby adding to the price of the project. With pulverization (crushed asphalt) the amount of good base material gleaned from the process off-sets the expense incurred to pulverize and only requires a fraction of the time to complete as compared to a traditional tear-out.

So, where time is of the essence, pulverization is hands down the best way to go. Think about it this way, instead of the asphalt plant using the material you, the customer, are getting the benefit of the recycling. After properly grading and compacting the area where ground asphalt is to be installed, we install it using our asphalt track paver and compact it with a double-drum vibratory roller for a professional and manicured job.
Crushed Asphalt


Crushed Asphalt Benefits

Prevents Reflective Cracking:

While there are times when it makes sense to install another layer of asphalt over an existing layer, a process known as overlaying or resurfacing, generally pulverizing and repaving makes more sense. Why? When you overlay you are, in time, inviting the cracks in the older layer of asphalt to come through or reflect through the newly installed layer — a process known as reflective cracking. Whereas, with pulverization you are starting from scratch. The propensity for cracking is much less.
Crushed asphalt is a fraction of the cost of traditional hot-mix asphalt and less expensive than concrete.
Crushed asphalt is less dusty or muddy than gravel and provides greater compaction than limestone.
Crushed asphalt requires little or no maintenance.
Crushed asphalt helps melt snow.
Crushed asphalt is 100% recycled. Also by using the material as a sub-base no additional hydrocarbons are expended to make it a usable product — thereby, protecting the environment.

A Look at the Process